Sunday, August 23, 2009

Home Again

Nate's plane just arrived at McChord AFB, Tacoma, WA at 7pm central.

Cola Küsst Orange

From Nate's Facebook about a 3:45am Central time this morning...

Nathaniel Gies In Leipzig. Had a Bockwurst & roll with a Mezzo Mix soda ("cola küsst orange"). On to Maine, and then Washington.

Mezzo Mix and their competing orange cola, Spezi, were my favorite sodas when we lived in Germany. You can make your own poor imitation by mixing any orange soda with any cola.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Leaving Kuwait

About a half hour ago, Nate posted on his Facebook that they are loading up and moving out. The flight home (to Ft. Lewis, WA) will require a couple stops and take about 36 hours. I'm guessing they'll arrive Sunday evening, west coast time.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Camp Virginia, Kuwait

Nate is on his way home. He has arrived in Kuwait and should be staying in transient billets until his flight departs.

He seems to be comfy. This from his Facebook page: "Camp Virginia, Kuwait. Starbucks. Skim extra-hot grande caramel machiato" and " Dave Ramsey talk about the Cash for Clunkers program on".

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

While You Were Out...

I want Nate prepared when he returns. Nate, I daresay you may not recognize the country. While you were out...

  • The Republicans nominated a woman as vice-presidential running mate.
  • Mickey Rourke made a comeback. And wow.
  • Brett Favre made a comeback, leaving retirement to play for the Jets.
  • The economy nosedived.
  • Connecticut legalized gay marriage.
  • We elected a black president.
  • Minnesota elected a commedian to the U.S. Senate. Then didn't. Then did.
  • California voted to undo the legalization of same-sex marriage that happened before you left.
  • Illinois' governor sold the president-elect's former senate seat.
  • Brett Favre retired. For good this time.
  • A freakin' jet safely crash-landed on the Hudson river. All 155 alive. No shit.
  • Vermont legalized same-sex marriage.
  • A swine flu scare swept the country faster than, well, swine flu.
  • Senator Spector revealed himself to be a democrat after all. Ok, you saw that one coming.
  • A long shot won the Kentucky Derby.
  • Maine legalized same-sex marriage.
  • The California Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage before you left upheld the ban the voters rode over the court. Those married between the court's initial ruling and the ban are still legally married. So to summarize, same-sex marriage is illegal in California, but there are legally wed same-sex couples. It's like, well, California.
  • The U.S. nationalized General Motors to prevent the company's bankruptcy.
  • General Motors, under new ownership, went bankrupt.
  • Jay Leno left the Tonight Show. Moving to prime time.
  • New Hampshire legalized same-sex marriage.
  • Michael Jackson died. Or was killed.
  • Brett Favre announced he is interested in playing for the Vikings.
  • Alaska's governor announced she was so efficient she finished her term of office early and is going home. You betcha.
  • A latina joined the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing more or less that white men can't judge.
  • Former President Clinton flew half way around the world to pick up a couple girls.
  • Brett Favre announced he will not play for the Vikings and will stay retired. For good this time.
  • Realizing he is adicted to retiring, Brett Favre became the Vikings' quarterback, committed to playing until that retirement bug bites again.

Can't wait 'til you're back! Safe travels!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Transfer of Authority

Well, we just completed our Transfer of Authority with the 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion.

Now we're just waiting around to leave.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

261st TTSB

I think I probably forgot to mention that our higher echelon is the Delaware National Guard's 261st Theater Tactical Signal Brigade. The 261st TTSB's assistant JAG is CPT Beau Biden, our Vice President's son. I got to meet him and shake his hand 3 times.

That is all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Nearing the End

I've got approximately 10 days left here in Balad. Then it's off to Kuwait, and then back to the states. A few weeks ago my unit had its Patching Ceremony, visually finalizing our move from 11th Signal Brigade to the 35th Signal Brigade which officially took place 1 May 2009. I've moved out of my CHU and into Transient Housing (tents) and am now living out of my ruck sack. The unit replacing us is the 72nd Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 7th Signal Brigade, out of Mannheim Germany. They will have a 12 month tour as well. I've been getting my replacement trained up on all the ins and outs of travel here in Iraq. The 72nd's chaplain is female, which may preclude them from visiting some male-only outsites.
That's really all I've got to say for now, except to give some shout-outs.

First, the USO. The USO makes life so much better out here. They've always got a movie playing, nice A/C, popcorn, coffee, and PB&J sandwiches. Plus free phone cards, free WiFi Internet, free Internet café (if you don't have your own laptop to use with the WiFi), and free Satellite and DSN phones. They are also a partner in the United Through Reading program which allows service members to read books to their kids on tape with a camcorder. The book, along with the DVD of the reading session is then sent to the kid(s) back home. The books, video session, and the mailing of both is completely free to the service member thanks to corporate and non-profit sponsorship. The USO is awesome. If you want to support the troops, supporting the USO is one great way to do it.

I also want to give a shout out to Green Beans Coffee. Through their Cup of Joe for a Joe program, people back home can go on their site and buy a cup of coffee for a service member over here. Service members sign up on their website, and then when someone back home buys a Cup of Joe for us, we get a notification by e-mail, and then we can go to the store and redeem our coffee. As a big coffee drinker, I, of course, love this program. It's nice to have a taste of home. And for the non-coffee drinkers, when a Cup of Joe is purchased and you don't want coffee, it can be used instead to get $2 off any other menu item to include fruit smoothies or tea drinks. Good stuff. How would we ever fight our wars without a coffee shop around?

Last but far from least, I want to give a shout out to all the many people that kept me and my unit in your thoughts and prayers over the last year. All the cards, letters, and care packages have been wonderful. It's always nice to get something in the mail when you're away from family and friends. Special thanks to Lutheran Church of the Living Christ in Madison, WI, Trinity Lutheran Church in Columbia, SC, Rev. Dan Kowert, Rev. Christopher Burger, Ruth Halverson, Hannah Messmann, Life Center North in Spokane, WA, and Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Milton, WA.

This may be my last post before heading home.