Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Trip Outside the Wire

Nate has been anxiously awaiting his first opportunity to get out to other locations, and it finally happened. The first 4 attempts by the chaplain to get out were thwarted -- two by rain, one by lightening, and one because the flight left early without them.

This time they made it. The battalion commander needed the chaplain to go out to a COB (combat operating base) to counsel a soldier. Chaplain King and Nate flew out on a C-130, and spent two days at the COB. That gave them time to visit all of their troops there, distribute morale and devotional materials, etc.

They flew back to Balad Airbase at night on a Chinook helicopter.

He enjoyed the experience of getting out to a more remote location, with few amenities, and see some new things. He has a lot of down time, though, on these kinds of missions, as he is often waiting to the side while the chaplain does his thing.

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