On September 30, 2008, the 51st and the 63rd Signal Battalions(E) con-ducted a formal cere-mony to relieve the 63rd from its wartime mission. During deployment, this process is referred to as a "Relief in Place" (RIP). For two weeks leading up to the RIP, the 51st and the 63rd worked side-by-side. The 63rd conducted normal operations as the 51st observed. A week later, the 51st assumed many of the responsibili-ties inherent in the mission while the 63rd observed. This training method is referred to as the "Left Seat, Right Seat, Ride," much like many of us experienced in school during driver‟s edu-cation. First you observe, and then you practice while under observation, then you carry out the task. This practice is beneficial in that the replacement unit can learn from the experience gained by the outgoing unit dur-ing their deployment. Once the RIP is com-plete, there is an official ceremony to recognize the "Transfer of Au-thority" (TOA). This ceremony marks the completion of the mis-sion for the outgoing unit and the continuation of the mission by the in-coming unit.
The TOA ceremony in-cluded the casing and uncasing of battalion col-ors. LTC Carlos Morales and CSM Bruce Stanley of the 63rd Signal Battalion(E) cased their battalion colors, symbol-izing the completion of their mission. LTC Paul H. Fredenburgh III and CSM Milton Weatherly of the 51st Signal Battalion(E) uncased their battalion colors, symbolizing the continuation of the signal mission by the 51st under the new leadership. COL John Hildebrand, Com-mander of the 11th Signal Brigade, presided over the TOA ceremony.
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