Thursday, September 18, 2008


In case you missed Nate's comment to this earlier post...

He's still in temporary quarters, which limits his access to email and the internet. He pops by the base's Internet Cafe when he has time, which is to say, rarely.

There's not any Nate-specific news to report, so I thought I'd open a portal to other news few civilians come across. I've added a set of links over on that side --> of the page, under "Iraq News and Other Resources", to offer you a view of what goes on "over there", but is typically not reported. Some of it is not reported because it is good news (which doesn't sell as well as bad news). Some is not reported because it is inconsistent with the story line the news peddlers believe. Much is not reported because it really is mundane, local-interest-type stuff. In any case, I find it interesting as a competing viewpoint. I especially like the base newspaper. But then I like small-town papers, and military base papers kind of have the same flavor. If you know of other good links email me.

Also, email me if you hear some gossip from Nate or Katie that you think should be shared on this blog.

Peace and Stuff,


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