Nate's been traveling the past week. He got around to a number of different combat operating bases (COBs). He also participated in a convoy for the first time since being in country. Most of the time he and Chaplain (Capt.) King have flown at night by helicopter. This week they made one of their trips by a road convoy. Nate had a window seat in a MRAP (mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle), like the one in the photo.
Nate has noticed a pattern during his visits. It seems the troops who are stationed in more remote locations with less (or no) access to a recreation center or theatre have higher morale in general than those on large bases with many recreational amenities. Counterintuitive, perhaps, but it makes sense in a way. Those soldiers tend to have more focus on a mission that keeps them busy and offers variety. When 'real' entertainment isn't available, troops make their own, and a good graphic novel, dogeared as it passes from soldier to soldier, is more dear than a movie theatre's bill changing 3 times a week.
Nate and others in his battalion have also had the opportunity to participate in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. (You may have seen or heard Ramsey on Fox News or his radio show on personal finance -- where being debt free is replacing the Mercedes as a status symbol.) Apparently this program has caught on across the Army, and his battalion purchased a number of kits to offer the course to soldiers for free. Each week, for 13 weeks, they view a video, listen to a lecture, and participate in small group discussion. Nate's really been enjoying the course, and appreciates Ramsey's sense of humor.
Nate also recently enjoyed a show put on by Filter, a metal band touring the sandbox. It was sponsored by an organization called Stars for Stripes, that sends stars on tour around the world to entertain the troops. If you're on Facebook, check out Nate's new profile photo of himself with the band. Nate's the one with the rifle.