Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cola Küsst Orange
Nathaniel Gies In Leipzig. Had a Bockwurst & roll with a Mezzo Mix soda ("cola küsst orange"). On to Maine, and then Washington.
Mezzo Mix and their competing orange cola, Spezi, were my favorite sodas when we lived in Germany. You can make your own poor imitation by mixing any orange soda with any cola.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Leaving Kuwait
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Camp Virginia, Kuwait
He seems to be comfy. This from his Facebook page: "Camp Virginia, Kuwait. Starbucks. Skim extra-hot grande caramel machiato" and " Dave Ramsey talk about the Cash for Clunkers program on".
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
While You Were Out...
I want Nate prepared when he returns. Nate, I daresay you may not recognize the country. While you were out...
- The Republicans nominated a woman as vice-presidential running mate.
- Mickey Rourke made a comeback. And wow.
- Brett Favre made a comeback, leaving retirement to play for the Jets.
- The economy nosedived.
- Connecticut legalized gay marriage.
- We elected a black president.
- Minnesota elected a commedian to the U.S. Senate. Then didn't. Then did.
- California voted to undo the legalization of same-sex marriage that happened before you left.
- Illinois' governor sold the president-elect's former senate seat.
- Brett Favre retired. For good this time.
- A freakin' jet safely crash-landed on the Hudson river. All 155 alive. No shit.
- Vermont legalized same-sex marriage.
- A swine flu scare swept the country faster than, well, swine flu.
- Senator Spector revealed himself to be a democrat after all. Ok, you saw that one coming.
- A long shot won the Kentucky Derby.
- Maine legalized same-sex marriage.
- The California Supreme Court that legalized same-sex marriage before you left upheld the ban the voters rode over the court. Those married between the court's initial ruling and the ban are still legally married. So to summarize, same-sex marriage is illegal in California, but there are legally wed same-sex couples. It's like, well, California.
- The U.S. nationalized General Motors to prevent the company's bankruptcy.
- General Motors, under new ownership, went bankrupt.
- Jay Leno left the Tonight Show. Moving to prime time.
- New Hampshire legalized same-sex marriage.
- Michael Jackson died. Or was killed.
- Brett Favre announced he is interested in playing for the Vikings.
- Alaska's governor announced she was so efficient she finished her term of office early and is going home. You betcha.
- A latina joined the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing more or less that white men can't judge.
- Former President Clinton flew half way around the world to pick up a couple girls.
- Brett Favre announced he will not play for the Vikings and will stay retired. For good this time.
- Realizing he is adicted to retiring, Brett Favre became the Vikings' quarterback, committed to playing until that retirement bug bites again.
Can't wait 'til you're back! Safe travels!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Transfer of Authority
Saturday, August 15, 2009
261st TTSB
Friday, August 7, 2009
Nearing the End
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Winding Down
Within a month, Nate's unit will be in Kuwait waiting for a ride home. Without giving away exact dates we can tell you he'll be home (Ft. Lewis and Tacoma, WA) by the the end of August. He and Katie are planning trips shortly after to visit family and friends.
I don't want to publish dates and travel plans, but will be happy to share them with you personally. Send me an email, and I'll let you know when they plan to be near you. He looks forward to seeing you all again.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer Is Here

"Any Soldier" Mail Suspended
Thank you for your support, and please continue to send mail to service members you know. As always your continued prayers for our nation and our troops are most welcome.
~Tim & Kay Gies
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Photo Gallery: Baghdad and Tallil
Back to Iraq
Well, I had hoped to post sooner, but as everyone told me it would, R&R went by too quickly, and now it is the day I head back to Iraq and I'm just now making a post.
Katie and I have had a good time together while I've been home. We've gone camping on Bainbridge Island --breaking in our new camping gear-- and gone to Seattle twice, seeing a Mariners game, the Seattle Aquarium, the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo, the Science Fiction Museum and Experience Music Project, and gone up the Space Needle -- and of course, going to the Pike Place Market.
We also got through all 7 parts of the John Adams mini-series from HBO (a pirated copy bought in Iraq for $10). What an amazing series, and an even more amazing man!
My unit’s year long deployment is 2/3 through, and I think this last portion of it will go by quickly. After all, Summer is right around the corner and we will be back before the Summer is through.
Finally, both Katie and I want to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers. We really do appreciate your support.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Arrived Home on Leave
When his flight arrived in Dallas, they disembarked to a walkway above the concourse. The public down below saw them and stopped to turn, applaud and cheer. Patriotic music played, VFW and bikers welcomed, and Boy Scouts handed out bags with goodies and water.
His plane tickets were for a Monday flight from Dallas to Seattle, but he was able to get a seat on a flight out right away. No fanfare at Sea-Tac, but he didn't expect the more liberal crowd there to be appreciative. Sea-Tac isn't the friendliest place to wear a military uniform. But, more important, Katie was there.
Now they're together for a couple of weeks. Plans include a camping trip, a Mariners game, and visits with Katie's family.
En Route Home on Leave
First stop Kuwait, to pass through Navy Customs. Had to make sure nobody sneaks out ammo, weapons, or other souvenirs.
Four hour flight to Leipzig, Germany; then 11 hours to Dallas. He arrived in Dallas on a charter full of service members returning from abroad. The plane taxied under an arch of water sprayed from fire trucks. They disembarked to a welcome ceremony from boy scouts, etc.
That's about all the news we got from him before he had to board the next flight, direct to Seattle where his wife, Katie, and her family are planning a personal welcome.
More to come...
Monday, March 9, 2009
The rest of the week, he played tourist. He went to the "green zone", which is secured section of the city. After passing through a check point it was like being in civilian Baghdad with homes, shops, etc. He made some Iraqi acquaintances, especially a coffee shop owner who also sold pirated DVDs.

Nate was also impressed by the Hands of Victory monument, the Iraqi memorial to their unknown soldiers, and other things.

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
On the Road
Nate's been traveling the past week. He got around to a number of different combat operating bases (COBs). He also participated in a convoy for the first time since being in country. Most of the time he and Chaplain (Capt.) King have flown at night by helicopter. This week they made one of their trips by a road convoy. Nate had a window seat in a MRAP (mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle), like the one in the photo.
Nate has noticed a pattern during his visits. It seems the troops who are stationed in more remote locations with less (or no) access to a recreation center or theatre have higher morale in general than those on large bases with many recreational amenities. Counterintuitive, perhaps, but it makes sense in a way. Those soldiers tend to have more focus on a mission that keeps them busy and offers variety. When 'real' entertainment isn't available, troops make their own, and a good graphic novel, dogeared as it passes from soldier to soldier, is more dear than a movie theatre's bill changing 3 times a week.
Nate and others in his battalion have also had the opportunity to participate in Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. (You may have seen or heard Ramsey on Fox News or his radio show on personal finance -- where being debt free is replacing the Mercedes as a status symbol.) Apparently this program has caught on across the Army, and his battalion purchased a number of kits to offer the course to soldiers for free. Each week, for 13 weeks, they view a video, listen to a lecture, and participate in small group discussion. Nate's really been enjoying the course, and appreciates Ramsey's sense of humor.
Nate also recently enjoyed a show put on by Filter, a metal band touring the sandbox. It was sponsored by an organization called Stars for Stripes, that sends stars on tour around the world to entertain the troops. If you're on Facebook, check out Nate's new profile photo of himself with the band. Nate's the one with the rifle.

Monday, February 9, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The American Legion VetCam

They offer you VetCam: Free one-on-one video conferencing – to enable you to talk face-to-face with friends and family across town or overseas. One-on-one. Or with several people at a time. You decide.
Members of The American Legion, as well as members of the United States Armed Forces (active duty, Reserve and National Guard), their families and friends, are welcome to use this complimentary technology to remain connected with those people most important to you.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Four Chaplains Day

January 26, 2009 Mr. FILNER submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services
RESOLUTION Expressing support for the designation of Four Immortal Chaplains Day in remembrance of the 4 men who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of compassion for those of different races and faiths.
Whereas on February 3, 1943, The Army Transport Service troopship Dorchester was torpedoed in the North Atlantic Ocean by a German submarine, an event that resulted in the loss of nearly 700 lives and for which witnesses have recounted in the Congressional Record the heroism of 4 chaplains of different faiths: Lieutenant George L. Fox, Methodist; Lieutenant Alexander D. Goode, Jewish; Lieutenant John P. Washington, Catholic; and Lieutenant Clark V. Poling, Dutch Reformed;
Whereas witnesses verified that during the approximate 18 minutes the ship was sinking after being torpedoed off the coast of Greenland, the 4 chaplains went from soldier to soldier calming fears, distributing life jackets, and guiding men to safety;
Whereas when there were no more life jackets, the 4 chaplains removed their own life jackets and gave them to others;
Whereas the 4 chaplains were last seen arm-in-arm in prayer on the hull of the ship;
Whereas many of the 230 men who survived owed their lives to these 4 chaplains, and witnesses among them recounted the unique interreligious spirit and love for their fellow man that was later illustrated in a popular postage stamp issued by the United States in 1948, called `These Immortal Chaplains--Interfaith in Action';
Whereas Congress passed House Concurrent Resolution 90 in 1957 to honor these 4 chaplains and the men who died with them, and President Harry Truman and President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued similar proclamations calling for national recognition and participation in memorial services throughout the country that have been observed annually by the American Legion on the first Sunday of February;
Whereas Congress created a special medal for valor given to the 4 chaplains in 1960;
Whereas the Senate passed a unanimous resolution on the first day of the 2d Session of the 105th Congress, on January 27, 1998, designating February 3 as Four Chaplains Day; and
Whereas memorials to the chaplains' heroic sacrifice abound in many places throughout the country, including the Heroes Window in the National Cathedral in Washington, District of Columbia, the Chapel at the Pentagon, and the Chapel at the United States Military Academy at West Point: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives remembers the Four Immortal Chaplains who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the name of compassion for those of different races and faiths and requests the President issue a proclamation calling on the Federal Government, States, localities, and the people of the United States to observe a day in their honor with appropriate ceremonies, programs, and activities.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Gift Cards and Pre-paid Calling Cards
The face value of the cards are for US domestic phone calls, so understand they are worth fewer minutes calling from Iraq to the US. A "550" minute card is worth 143 minutes (15 cents/minute), and a "300" minute card is worth 80 minutes (22.5 cents/minute).
They can be shipped to you, or you can have them shipped directly overseas. If you send them for 'any soldier', remember to ship to Nate Gies, Attn: Any Soldier (see this post for the complete address), and he will distribute them.
For more info, see
Similarly, anybody can order gift cards and gift certificates. You can purchase these for any recipient with exchange priveleges, even those stationed in the US, so these could be a great gift for your friend or loved one stationed state-side. Gift cards are redeemable at the store (PX, BX, NX, etc.) worldwide. Gift certificates are redeemable for exchange service catalog orders. These, too, can be shipped to you or directly to the recipient. There is no shipping charge! For more info, see
Friday, January 23, 2009
'Any Soldier' Mail and Packages
If you can't drop off, but want to participate by mailing your own letter, post card, or package, please read these tips for sending mail to Balad Airbase in Iraq (or service members overseas in general). Mail cannot be addressed to 'Any Soldier', but must be addressed to an individual by name or title. Nate is responsible for distributing 'Any Soldier' mail in his battalion, so address the mail to
There are females in his unit, so if you are sending items intended specifically for a female, send it 'Attn: Any Female Soldier'.Gies, Nathaniel
Attn: Any Soldier
51st ESB, HHC
APO, AE 09391
Nate passed along requests for the following especially desired items:
Thanks for your help!
Suggested “Any Soldier” items:
Toiletries such as:
- Toothbrushes
- toothpaste
- floss
- soap
- shampoo and conditioner
- unscented deodorant/antiperspirant
Food items:
- Canned nuts
- trail mix
- sunflower seeds
- microwave popcorn
- instant oatmeal (plain and flavored; single serv. packets)
- chewing gum (esp. big red)
- gatorade/tang/crystal lite/propell powdered drink packets
- other instant drinks: apple cider, hot cocoa, coffee (both ground and instant), tea (esp. green tea) (single serve packets)
- cars
- computers
- beauty/fashion
- outdoors
- cooking
- music
- gardening
- sports
- popular science
- etc.
Other items:
- nerf balls
- darts sets
- baseball gloves
- movies (DVD)
- greeting cards (to send home to loved ones for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, other special occasions)
- stationary/writing tablets and envelopes
A card or note would also be great.
Monday, January 19, 2009
War Without Internet
Oddly, he has found he has better access when they fly out to smaller, more forward-deployed operations bases. With the much smaller population they have a better supply/demand ratio, I guess. One such base he visited lately was so small he could stand in the middle and view all four walls.
Enough of that. If internet access is one of his major issues, then we are grateful that so much more of his situation and condition is satisfactory.
So why the new hooch? Nate has a new squad leader, a new buck sergeant. She was worried about maintaining accountability over her charge, so she had all of her squad members who were living someplace other than her housing area relocate to be near her. Her predecessor must have had amazing tracking skills.
Nate's had an interesting time adjusting. He didn't expect things at a forward operating base in war zone half way around the world to be so "normal" and familiar. He expected some major culture shock, and having to deal with living under some sense of imminent danger. But no, it's like any other American military base. Plus sand. Plus contractors who don't speak english. Or spanish. It's strange how the familiar can be disconcerting when you expect the unfamiliar.
He'll get a chance or two to get away from it. He had requested 2 weeks of R&R to come back to the states in March, but a classic Army foul-up has made it April now. He is also told to expect a 4-day pass or two to Qatar. That sounds like a good time on a world-class beach.